In the life of the fair sex there comes a time when the sexual desire is actively reduced. This is due to hormonal changes in the body of women due to problems in the work and the nervous tension. Beautiful ladies are often used to help agents to increase the libido.
The market today, you can find a lot of pathogens, which increases the sexual activity. Someone who uses folk remedies and some people prefer to produce such drugs to himself. How to make a female agent in a house?
How to cook a pathogen
It has long been known to effective for pathogens that affect both men and women is "Spanish gold fly", to make it possible for yourself. For this special produced by errors of small size. The insects have a lighter tone of green. You can see them in may when the lilacs bloom.
First they are dried, then ground to a fine powder in order to prepare the remedy.
The drug is so simple that one is tempted to prepare it at home.
However, at home it is impossible to achieve a good degree of purification, which involves the use of special reagents. Much easier to get a guarantee of a safe product from a reliable seller to do experiments at home.
"Spanish gold fly" is not worse than the famous female Viagra. A less – the causative agent does not act immediately, therefore it is not suitable for those who want immediate effect.
Modern methodsAnother agent which can be prepared from the comfort of home made food available in the kitchen of every housewife.

- the hottest pepper – 1-2 pinches;
- mustard – half a teaspoon;
- chicken egg, raw – 1 piece;
- tomato paste – 1 tablespoon;
- lemon juice – 1 tablespoon.
Method of preparation: the ingredients are well whipped into a homogeneous mass with the help of a blender, and then to the mixture is added to a glass of dry white wine, all together put on the gas and bring it to a boil. The prepared drink is ready to use and is a great tool for the arousal of the women in the sexual desire.
There is a recipe that will satisfy any girl. This new exciter, made by women at home.
- Almonds – 45 g.
- Hazelnuts – 40 g.
- New – 50 gr.
- Honey – 40 gr.
Attention! The use of the nut mix with oats or flax cereal can significantly improve the effect.
How to prepare:
- You should roast the hazelnuts in a pan without adding oil.
- Clear the nuts from the shell and chop finely.
- The honey to melt and mix them with the mixture.
- On point!!! Take a dessert spoon 3 times a day.
The effect of this dish will not be instantaneous, but effective. After 5-7 days the woman wants to give her man more often.
Foods that affect the libido
Sometimes there is no time to prepare special potions to increase the libido. In this case, you can simply eat certain foods which enhance the sexual desire in women.
- Banana contains a substance special – bromelain, which increases in the body of the woman of the energy and of the improvement of the libido.
- Avocados – the potassium content in it actively, increases libido in men and women.
- Ginger – the components included in the composition, stimulate the blood circulation to the genitals and help to achieve the excitation.
- Figs – increases libido in women because of the high content of amino acids.
- Asparagus – rich in vitamin E, it affects the assets of production of the sex hormones.
- All – substances contained in it, helps to intensify the process of blood flow to the sex organs, to which excitation occurs.
- Almonds – it stimulates the sexual desire.
- Dark chocolate is the most favorite products among women, contributing to the development of the hormone of joy. The content of specific substances, allows to increase the desire for intimacy.
- Oysters contain the hormone dopamine, which actively affects the libido.
- Mango – has a beneficial effect on the sexual sphere of men and women.
- Dates – expensive, but very effective in the genitals.
Infusions, tinctures and decoctions, perhaps, the most powerful natural agents that can substitute Viagra for women. Among them: sage, the juniper, the rosemary, the laurel, the ginseng and many other. Also, all the well-known herbs of parsley, Basil, cilantro, dill is considered a powerful natural stimulant it means.
All of these herbs you can prepare this powerful agent, which is not inferior in its action female Viagra. It is sufficient to grind all the herbs and consume a teaspoon before meals.
Known herbal agent of the artichoke, mixed with olive oil. For 14 days, 3-4 times a day, and the sex life will be more intense.
How to increase libido with herbs?Here are some recipes:
- Take a bath of hot water, or with decoction of geranium, chamomile or ginseng. The bathroom must be at least 30 minutes. Herbs prepared in a proportion of 100 grams. per liter of boiling water and infuse for an hour. Thank you for the water treatment, the woman will feel the relaxation of my whole body and a rush of blood to the brain, which will give a signal of excitation of sexual desire.
- The essential oils are also good activators. In a special hanging women who love to wear the neck as an ornament, buried essential oil. The smell of these oils can excite a lady.
- Tincture of rosemary. You can take the fresh leaves of bilberry, juniper, or strawberries, chop them up and add the rosemary. All this is poured boiling water and insist in a dark place for 3 days.

Thus, in modern society, there are many ways to increase sexual activity in women. Some prefer to buy expensive drugs that increases libido. Others have the ability to produce pathogen for women with their own hands. So, while the other used proven ancient recipes and other folk remedies, which are not inferior to modern Viagra for women. Yes, and the pathogen with their hands or use national method is cheaper and easier.
The use of modern stimulants help to increase female libido to increase blood flow in the genitals and the emotion of their sensitivity. Aphrodisiacs made from natural ingredients that practically there are no contraindications.
Maybe they are not as fast as drugs or acquired in a sex-shop tools, but are reviewed by specialists, and its effect is clearly seen. Men respond positively to stimulating people's fund, saying that its members be more sexy and more sensitive.